
Personal Training Success

Sarah Younghusband

I decided to get in touch with STARTfit because I was getting tired of making excuses for the reasons why I was no longer happy with my body.  I had always been relatively fit growing up and into my mid 20’s, and was lucky enough to never be self-conscious about my body or to ever feel the need to diet or watch what I eat.

However over the last 5 years due to various reasons my life, my way of living changed and in true dramatic style I decided enough was enough and that I needed help to get back in order!

I have completed the first 12 weeks of the plan, and am so pleased with my results and in fact it has given me even more drive to push through the next 12 weeks.  Natasha has been so professional throughout my time with her, she is clearly an expert in her area of work and has never once made me feel uncomfortable or not looking forward to our PT sessions.  Each PT session was tailored to suit my needs and what I think I enjoyed most (which sounds odd to say) is that I never got away with slacking off and Natasha always knew when to push more out of me, which is exactly what I needed.  Probably one of the things I would definitely recommend is the nutritional workshop, this just opened my eyes to a whole new world of food and to be honest, really shocked me of the sorts of food I was eating and what I was doing to my body.  Just by changing a few eating habits, I do genuinely have more energy, allowing me to exercise more.

Sarah's Stats

Main Goal Reduce Body Fat %
Body Fat % Lost 6.5%
Waist Reduction 4 Inches
Hip Reduction 2 Inches
Products Nutrition Nailed & Cooking Class Fundamental Workshops
Phase II Body Transformation

Sarah's Favourites

clean eating cookies

Clean Snack

"STARTfit's Clean Cookies! Can I say that?!?"

Startfit Blog - Time, A Finite Resource


"Easy! Rebounder – who doesn’t love bouncing around?? Oh and boxing, both GREAT for stress relief!"

Startfit Blog Stress Free Summer

Secret to Success

"Education in food, so the nutritional workshop helped"

Startfit Blog - Spring Time CheckUp

Personal Motto

"A moment on the lips, a very long time on the hips!!"

CBT Therapy Shropshire

Clare Rowson

I run my own business and am very driven but at times I go into overdrive and need to manage the subsequent anxiety.  Some of this results from overwhelming myself and some is because I live and work on my own.

Having a “Fit Mind” is just like physical fitness – you need to train!

STARTfit has been brilliant with mental training sessions.  With me it will be a journey, with ups and downs but the key is doing something about it. You are in control, when you feel out of control you just need to “train your brain”

Clare's Stats

Main Goal Regain Control Under Pressure
Product Phase II fitMind For Life

Clare's Insights

fitmind healthy meal planning

Biggest Breakthrough

"This may sound silly but scheduling in breakfast & more of a commitment to meal times"

Fitmind CBT Thinking Patterns

Most Useful Strategy

"As I’m on a journey it is the strategy which is most useful. It is taking TIME, thinking which part of the brain is operating and trying to control it.  I still have work to do but verbalising, as well as recognising the negatives and the part of the brain that is putting them there is a great help so far"

Fitmind Therapy Sessions

Secret to Success

"So far, learning which part of the brain is working.  I have done CBT before but never been  taught about the brain.  This is significant in my understanding of how the mind works and then how strategies can help.  So the chimp is the secret to my journey to success…!"

Fitmind Counselling Journey

Personal Motto

"Life is a journey, on that journey there will be good times and not so good times but whatever happens I am in control of the journey and I can handle that"

Personal Training Success

Mrs H

After six months [following discharge from hospital] I felt I had reached my potential. My husband bought me a book entitled A Stroke Survivor by a charity called ARNI. My expectations were raised; I felt hopeful. I contacted ARNI directly and they put me in touch with Natasha.

Natasha was very professional, really understood the journey I was on and where I had been on that journey.

I had never understood what neuro-plasticity had meant but with her guidance and help I began to see that the brain was capable of recruiting other neurons to come to the rescue after my stroke, and with this new-found knowledge a new way of being with myself happened. I was helped to dialogue cerebrally [to consciously apply my thoughts] as if to focus using the stronger parts of my brain. The eventual upshot of this was that I was able to tap into more power in my muscles and limbs. With help from Natasha I recognised fatigue and whilst it did not take away the tiredness I felt recognising it reduced some of my anxiety.

Mrs H's Stats

Type of Stroke Blockage
Areas Affected Loss of movement in right arm & leg, speech difficulty
Current Ability Almost fully recoved; 95% movement in both affected arm & leg, clear speech, now just working on endurance!
Product Stroke Rehabilitation

Mrs H's Insights

Gym Training for Stroke

Biggest Achievement

"Enrolling in the gym! Changing my thinking and listening to myself patiently"

Stroke Rehabilitation in Shropshire

The ARNI Process

"My Christian Faith has enhanced the way I feel about my recovery, and Natasha has focussed my healing through hope and information. Natasha is the most dedicated and effective person I have met. She wants me to RECOVER"

Stroke Rehabilitation in Westmidlands

Staying Motivated

"I remind myself that each step I take has taken me further along my road of recovery "

Stroke Help for Family

What the Family Say

"I have had far more security of mind, hope of the future, and even enjoyment of exercise since Natasha (and ARNI) came into our lives." Mr H!

Personal Training at Home in West Midlands

Rob Hill

It very quickly became clear that each session in the programme was developed specifically for me, was soundly based on science. Natasha was highly professional and well trained herself, giving me great confidence that this was time well spent and that I was in safe hands.

Positive results were achieved surprisingly quickly in both how I felt and in changed body shape, evident each morning from the mirror and the scales!

Add to that the sparkle, enthusiasm, banter and general fun with which each session has been conducted and I soon found that the hour sessions sped along.

Rob's Stats

Main Goal Stop getting out of breath!
Body Fat % Lost 10.7%
Waist Reduction 5.5 Inches
Weight Loss 8Kg
Product Phase II Body Transformation

Rob & Liz's Session Highlights

Gym Training for Stroke
Stroke Rehabilitation in Shropshire
Stroke Rehabilitation in Westmidlands
Stroke Help for Family