Specialist Qualifications

Unique Instructor

Expert Instruction Without Compromise

REPS Level 4 Stroke Rehabilitation Instructor

Having discovered Natasha and her work via the NRPT the founder of the charity Action For Rehabilitation from Neurological Injury (ARNI) approached her to specifically request she turn her skills to Stroke Rehabilitation. She was then trained by the founder, a stroke survivor himself, along with experts in the field of neurology at Brunel University, and having achieving an A Grade for her Stroke Rehabilitation qualification Natasha immediately put this passion and knowledge to work by helping stroke survivors throughout Shropshire. Her training and qualification has been accredited by Middlesex University; she is now looking to complete a Masters in Neurological Rehabilitation.

REPS Level 3 Master Fitness Trainer

Natasha has qualifications from the European Institute of Fitness (EIF), known to be one of the most prestigious of training providers for Personal Training in Europe. This expert tutelage is reflected in her specialist abilities as a Master Trainer and Motivational Coach. She is registered with REPs, an independent, public register which recognises the qualifications and expertise of health-enhancing exercise professionals in the UK, and can be found listed in the National Register of Personal Trainers

PGCE PCET Teaching

Having spent much of her previous career as a training instructor for the Royal Air Force Natasha pursued a second degree in teaching as a means to consolidate her instructional skills. It is her ability to impart knowledge in a fun and informative way that makes her business so unique, ensuring that you ‘learn you fitness’ and not just follow. You’ve heard the adage ‘Give a man a fish and feed him for a day; Teach a man to fish and you feed him for life’? Well this is what Natasha is truly passionate about; learning new skills in health & fitness to ensure long-term change. Why not have a look at her thoughts on teaching & training in her short YouTube video

NLP & CBT Practitioner

Trained and qualified in London through NLP Dynamics, Natasha applied her training to her role in Aerospace Battle Management Instruction at Royal Air Force Boulmer, helping many struggling students achieve success through this technique. Coupled with this she qualified as a Cognitive Behaviour Therapist in early 2013 and has been able to amalgamate the two techniques to maximise and expedite results in her clients.

Level II Reiki & Massage Therapist

The true starting point in 2007, Natasha’s first venture into complementary therapy was through Reiki, which then ignited her interest to pursue massage therapies. Since then she has gained a wealth of knowledge and experience in different styles of massage, serving a multitude of ailments. Her training is not just revolved around treatments; she also covered all aspects of business including HSE requirements and Fire Safety, ensuring that you are literally in safe hands. Evidence of liability cover will be provided upon request.

ILM Level 5 Coach & Mentor

Natasha spent eight years in the military, many of which were as an Instructor for both students and staff. Through this role she pursued her own avenue of CPD to become a Subject Matter Expert in Teaching, Training and Coaching. She qualified in ‘Defence Train the Trainer’, ‘Defence Training Managers’ Course and Defence Instructor Assessment & Development. She completed the ILM Level 5 Coach & Mentor Qualification with the Commando Training Centre Royal Marines, learning specialist skills in memory, psychological processing and Goal Setting.

Pilates Instructor

Trained by one of the best and most experienced Yoga & Pilates teachers in Shropshire, Natasha has developed her Pilates instruction to remain in keeping with her military attention to detail and accuracy. The intent is to ensure movements are precise, expertly executed and functionally accurate, making it an incredibly safe option for rehabilitation purposes.

Specific Learning Differences Advisor

Natasha spent most of her training career as an SPLD advisor, meaning she is experienced in administering the Dyslexia Adult Screening Test (DAST) and exploring a variety of coping strategies and techniques. Because of this her training delivery days, workshops and self-training guides can be easily designed to accommodate clients with an SPLD. All you need to do is let her know.

Peace of Mind

All qualifications and achievements have been checked and verified by the National Register of Personal Trainers (NRPT), so you can have piece of mind that what you receive is genuine expertise, provided, approved or accredited by legitimate training providers.

NRPT Website